

Raw food er levende mat, rett fra naturen.

Den nærer kroppen med ren livskraft, næring og enzymer.


Hvorfor spise raw food?


Enzymene bidrar til å gi maten vitalitet.

Ved temperturer fra 41-55 grader celsius vil enzymene ødelegges og det blir tyngre for kroppen å fordøye maten.

I tillegg skjer en immunrespons rettet mot maten som nå oppfattes som noe naturfremmed for kroppen.



Noen ganger er vi i situasjoner der vi trenger hjelp i helbredelsesprosessen, enten vi er syke eller føler oss slitne, og da er det tid for å se på hva man spiser. 

Det er ikke lett å forandre spisevaner, vi trenger både tid og motivasjon.


Om man tror at det kan hjelpe å spise raw food, så er det verdt å forsøke dette.


Denne dietten er ikke for alle, men kanskje du er en av dem som vil oppleve dette som fantastisk.


Enzymrik mat kan gi oss mer vitalitet, som hjelper i detoxprosessen - noe som igjen er nøkkelen til god helse.

Vanligvis så har vi en livsstil som forurenser kroppen og energien blokkeres og vi har det ikke optimalt.


Det kan være bra å gå gjennom en utrensning og å gi kroppen ekstra hvile.


 Raw food hjelper i denne prosessen fordi maten inneholder mye næringstoffer, vann og enzymer.


Fordi Raw food kan føre til en sterk detox, kan man i begynnelsen føle seg mer trøtt, slapp og til og med deprimert.


Detoxprosessen jobber på alle plan.


Alle reagerer forskjellig, men resultatet er verdt prosessen.


Kroppen vil bli mer alkalisk (basisk) og sunn, og dette er begynnelsen til en ny livsstil.



sunn juice av frukt og grønnsaker


Slik juicer du


  • Rett i juiceren med skallet på! Juicing er enkelt, og det går fort!
  • Du kan lage juice av nesten alle typer frukt og grønnsaker.
  • Og det aller meste går i juiceren med skallet på.
  • Unntakene er sitrusfrukter og granateple, som må skrelles før de juices.
  • Vask alle frukter og grønnsaker før du juicer.

  • Kaldt og forfriskende! Putt litt is i et glass og hell over juicen – da smaker juicen ekstra godt!

  • Drikk med en gang!
  • Både smak og næringsstoffer er på topp rett etter juicingen.
  • Nyt derfor den ferskpressede juicen umiddelbart.

  • Vask juicemaskinen med en gang – så er den alltid klar til bruk!
  • Alle delene i juicemaskinen er enkle å vaske, og det holder ofte å skylle godt.
  • Bruk evt. litt vaskemiddel. Legg delene til tørk på benken mens du er på jobb.
  • Eller tørk delene raskt og plasser dem tilbake i maskinen, så er den klar.
  • Juiceren fortjener en fast plass på kjøkkenbenken sammen med frukt og grønnsaker som ikke trenger kjøling.
  • Gjør alt lett tilgjengelig slik at det bare er å putte godsakene i juiceren og nyte den friske juicen.




  • H2 Whoa Cocktails

  • Option 1 - 500ml Organic Coconut Water

  • Option 2 - Mint Lemonade

  •  500mls filtered water
     ½ lemon thinly sliced
     5 mint leaves

  • Option 3- The Ginger Ninja

  •  500mls filtered water
     3 slices ginger 20g
     ½ Lime thinly sliced
     ½ Orange Thinly Sliced

  • Option 4 – Sassy Water

  •  500mls filtered water
     3 slices ginger 20g
     ½ Lime thinly sliced
     ½ Orange Thinly Sliced

    Option 5 – The Herbivore

  •  500mls filtered water
     5 large sprigs of coriander
     5 large Mint Leaves
     5 large Basil Leaves

  • “With ALL cocktails simply place
    all ingredients into a glass jug
    (or your water filter jug) at night
    and leave to infuse overnight in
    the fridge!” 


Option 1 – The Pinkanana

2-3 kale leaves or 1 huge handful baby spinach leaves
1 small banana
Choose from 1 orange , 3 slices pineapple or 2 cheeks mango
Remove kale stalks, blend all ingredients with a tray of ice and a
cup of water. Add more water or banana as needed to change the texture.
1 serve

Option 2 – The Green Hornet

2 Large Kale leaves
handful parsley (20-30g)
1 orange OR Large handful fresh pineapple
5 fresh mint Leaves
1 x carrot (grated)
1 cup of Filtered Water & 1 x tray ice
Blend all ingredients with a tray of ice and a cup of water.
Add more water or orange/pineapple as needed to change the texture.
1 Serve

Fantastic Fresh Fruit

Whole Fresh Fruit Options
1-2 Apples
1-2 Oranges
Fresh Pineapple (up to ½)
1-2 Mangos
6-8 Strawberries
1-2 Grapefruits
1-2 Bananas
1-2 Peaches
1-2 Nectarines
1 Avocado
Rock melon


Delicious Fresh Squeezed Juices

Option 1 - Tropical Punch

Mango, pineapple and lemon juice

Option 2- The King K

Strawberries, bananas, and white peaches

Option 3 - The Real Detox

Cantaloupe, honey dew melon, papaya and white grapes.

Choose from any of these delicious mouthwatering selections of fresh squeezed juice.

Looking for something sweet, felling a little dehydrated?

Then perhaps one of these amazing combinations will quench your thirst and moisten the tongue!

Simply combine combinations in the quantities you desire of fresh fruit into the juicer, chill and serve!

Fun Fruit Salad

The Marvellous Fruit Creation

8 cubes of diced Watermelon
1 x Green Apple
8 cubes of Rock melon
4 x Strawberries
Handful Fresh Blueberries
2 x Fresh Passion fruit pulps
1 tbs Pine Nuts
1 tsp Sesame Seeds
Dice watermelon, apple, rock melon and strawberries and place into a bowl.
Then add blueberries, spoon in passion fruit pulp stir and place in fridge
for 30 minutes (if you have time) Then sprinkle pine nuts and sesame seeds for garnish.
1 – 2 serves


Berry Delicious Smoothies

Option 1 – The Cinnamon Challenge

30g Sunwarrior protein powder
10 almonds
½ tsp cinnamon
½ banana
1 cup blueberries
1 level tsp maca powder
Optional: 1 heap tsp cacao powder
Blend all ingredients with a tray of ice and a cup of water.
Add more water or banana as needed to change the texture.
1 serve
Option 2 - The Raw Berry
30g Sunwarrior Protein
4 fresh strawberries
1 cup Blueberries (fresh or frozen)
1 Banana
1 Cup Filtered Water
2 trays of ice
1 bbs Chia Seeds
1 Tsp Maca Powder

Blend all ingredients with a tray of ice and a cup of water.
Add more water or berries as needed to change the texture.
1 serve


Post Work-out Smoothie

Tarzan Jungle Juice

2 x Bananas
30g Raw Vegan ‘Sunwarrior’ Protein Powder
1 tsp Cacao
1 tsp Cinnamon
10-20 almonds
1 Tray of ice
Filtered Water
Have you just done a hard Gym Session? Then use this creation as a post workout to speed
up recovery! Blend all ingredients with a tray of ice and a cup of water. Add more water as
needed to change the texture.
1 serve


Sexy Salads

Option 1 - Kailey’s Special

1 bunch coriander, stalks removed
1/2 butter head lettuce
1 avocado, diced
10 sun-dried tomatoes, chopped up
3 tbs oil from sun-dried tomatoes
½ red onion, finely sliced/diced
10 cherry tomatoes, halved
2 clove garlic chopped and minced
½ lemon, squeezed
4 tbs sesame seeds
Himalayan salt and pepper, to taste
Combine Avocado, coriander, red onion, sun-dried and cherry tomatoes. Mix oil, garlic, lemon juice,
salt and pepper to make a dressing. Fold dressing through avocado mixture. Serve on bed of butter
head lettuce and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
2 serves


Option 2 - Jason’s Favourite Raw

3 Kale Leaves
Handful Fresh Basil finely chopped
1 Cup English Spinach
8 strips Red Capsicum
5 Cherry Tomatoes
30g Purple Cabbage
20g slivered almonds
1 lemon Squeezed
20g Grated Ginger
20g Dried Cranberries
Himalayan Salt to Taste
Rinse Kale leaves in water and lemon then shake off and place in a large bowl. Roughly slice basil,
red capsicum, cherry tomatoes and purple cabbage an add. Combine English spinach, slivered
almonds, Himalayan salt, grated ginger and squeeze lemon over top. Gentle mix and serve.
1 Serve


Option 3 - Thermo Fusion

1 Cup English spinach
1 Cup Cos Lettuce
2 Red chili (finely chopped)
1 Garlic Clove chopped and minced
1 Carrot Grated
2 mushrooms sliced
20g Walnuts
1 Lime Squeezed
1 tbs Olive Oil
Himalayan Salt and Crack Black Pepper to taste
Simply combine all ingredients in a bowl combine and serve.
1 Serve


Option 4 - Super Sexy Salad

½ an Avocado (chopped)
1 Cup Rocket Lettuce
3 Kale Leaves
1 Celery Stalk
20g Fresh Mint
4 x Broccoli Sprigs thinly sliced
1 tbs Sesame Oil or Olive Oil
Small Handful Snow Peas thinly sliced
30g Sundried Tomato
Rinse Kale leaves and rocket in water and lemon then shake off and place in a large
bowl. Slice celery, avocado, mint, broccoli, snow peas and sundried tomato and combine.
Add sesame oil, Himalayan salt and crack black pepper for taste.
1 Serve


Option 5 – The Kale Kick

2 kale stalks, washed, dried and stalks removed
3 tomatoes finely diced, flesh scooped out
4-6 tbs sunflower seeds
6 large mint leaves, chopped finely
3 tbs cold pressed extra virgin olive oil
1 lemon
1 small chilli, seeds removed and finely sliced
1 cm fresh ginger, peeled
2 cloves garlic, minced
3 tbs cold pressed extra virgin olive oil
1 tbs raw apple cider vinegar
Himalayan salt and pepper, to taste.
Place Kale in a food processor until it is finely chopped. Place in large mixing bowl. Add seeds,
mint and tomatoes. To make the dressing, combine oil, zest and juice of the lemon, chilli, ginger, garlic
and apple cider vinegar and mix. Pour dressing into mixing bowl and add Himalayan salt and pepper
to taste.
1 Serve


Nut & Seed Party Mix

250g Raw Almonds
250g Brazil Nuts
150g Sunflower Seeds
150g Pepitas (Pumpkin Seeds)
Veggie Stick Options for Dips
Carrot Sticks 1-2 Carrots
Celery Sticks 1-3 Stalks
Snow Peas 1-3 Handfuls
Capsicum 1-3 Handfuls
Cucumber x ½ - 1
Sweet Potato ½ thinly sliced
Zucchini x ½ - 1


Dip & Go’s
Option 1 - Bean Free Sun-dried Tomato Hummus

2 cups zucchini, chopped
2 cloves of garlic
Juice of 1 lemon (approx. 2tbs)
¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
½ cup hulled tahini
1 tsp Himalayan rock salt
2 tbs parsley leaves, chopped
1/3 cup sun-dried tomatoes, chopped
Paprika and olive oil to serve
Process zucchini, garlic and lemon juice, olive oil, tahini and salt until smooth. Pour mixture into a bowl,
stir in parsley and sun-dried tomatoes. Set aside and allow sun-dried tomatoes to soak up moisture for
at least 10 minutes. Stir well.
Serve with vegetable crudités and cabbage leaves cut into triangles, like chips.
4 Serves


Dip & Go’s
Option 2 - Cashew Cream Cheese

3 cups of cashews
½ cup of lemon juice
1 lime, juiced
3-4 shallots
1 tsp Himalayan rock salt
Filtered water
Put all of the ingredients into the blender. Blend well,
using enough filtered water to create a smooth paste.
Note: Cashews can be replaced with almonds. (Soak for 4 hours first in water)
4 serves
This recipe can also be used dolloped over ‘Creamy Pesto Pasta’, ‘Sun-dried tomato
Marinara’ as found in Marvelous Mega Meals Section.


Option 3 – Fresh Basil Pesto

3 cups fresh basil
1/3 cup olive oil
½ cup sunflower seeds
4 cloves garlic
1 tbs lemon juice
Himalayan salt
Cracked pepper (to taste)
Optional: Semi dried tomatoes
Blend all of the ingredients in a food processor until almost smooth. Can be used as a dip,
spread or salad topping… Use your imagination!
4 serves


Option 4 – Creamy Thyme Sauce
1 cup almonds
1 tbs lemon juice
1 ½ sticks of celery
¼ small brown onion
1 tbs fresh thyme
1 clove garlic
Filtered water
Cover the almonds with filtered water and soak for 4 hours. Drain well and place the almonds, 1 1/2 cup
of fresh filtered water, along with the remaining ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth or
4 serves



Rawesome Meals

Option 1 - Creamy Pesto Pasta

Cashew Cream Cheese (in DIP & GO section)
Basil Pesto (in DIP & GO section)
4 zucchinis
8 cherry tomatoes
8 semi-dried tomatoes
Optional: raw olives and fresh mushrooms
Use a veggie twist to spiralise the zucchini. Chop the cherry tomatoes, (olives and mushrooms if using) in half. Place the zucchini pasta on the serving plate, top with cashew cream and a dollop of basil pesto. Sprinkle the remaining ingredients over the top.
2 serves


Option 2 - Sun-dried Tomato Marinara

2 cups tomatoes, chopped
1 clove of garlic
½ cup fresh basil leaves
¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
Juice of ½ a lemon (approx. 1 tbs)
1 pitted date
½ tbs fresh oregano
1 tsp fresh rosemary
Himalayan salt
3 tbs sun-dried tomatoes (dry not packed in oil)
Place all ingredients except the sun-dried tomatoes in a food processor and blend until smooth.
Add the sun-dried tomatoes and mix well.
Note: Sun-dried tomatoes will absorb excess moisture and thicken your sauce. This is delicious
over zucchini pasta with a dollop of Cashew Cream cheese.
2 Serves


Option 3 - Garlic & Thyme Pumpkin Risotto

Creamy thyme sauce (see DIP & GO section)
2 handfuls of baby spinach
1 tbs Pepitas
8 cherry or semi-dried tomatoes in olive oil
2 cups Kent pumpkin, peeled and roughly cut
into large cubes
Pulse the pumpkin in the food processor until the
pieces resemble “rice”. Split the spinach into 2 serving
bowls, top with the pumpkin “rice” and ¼ thyme sauce.
Sprinkle with pepitas. Decorate with the semi-dried tomatoes and a drizzle of the tomato oil.
2 Serves


Option 4 - Raw Vegan Sushi

2 nori sheets (health food store)
Your favourite dip/spread e.g Miso
Raw rice (see below recipe)
1 tbs rice vinegar
1 small avocado, sliced
1 small carrot, sliced thinly
½ cucumber, sliced thinly
2 leaves romaine, spinach, rocket, other leafy green veg
2 tbs sesame seeds
Optional: Tamari (for dipping)
Lay the nori sheets with the shiny side down on a working surface.

Mix raw rice with rice vinegar
and set aside.

Spread your favourite dip/spread on one of the sheets.
Place the raw rice on one half of the sheet and layer the leafy greens, avocado, carrot
and cucumber on top.

Sprinkle with 1 tbs sesame seeds. Roll the sheet, starting at the
end where you layered the veggies.
Roll as tightly as possible; this is very important (a bamboo mat is helpful, but not

Stop when you are near the end and sprinkle a little bit of water on the edge
of the sheet (by wetting your fingertips) before you fully close the sheet, this will create
a seal.

Press firmly and cut into 4 rolls with a serrated knife.

Repeat with the other sheet.
1 serve


Raw Rice – For Sushi OR add your favourite Dip & Go
1 small head cauliflower
½ cup pine nuts (approx. 60g)
1 tbs sesame oil
3 tbs lemon juice
½ tsp Himalayan salt
Pepper to taste
Process your cauliflower, a few pieces at a time, until the pieces resemble rice in a
food processor (or grate with your cheese grater).
Add the rest of the ingredients, and mix well until you have a rice like consistency.
(The oil & sweetener are added for a more sushi rice like taste & consistency;
this is enjoyable in many recipes although sesame oil can be substituted for
macadamia oil if you would prefer a different flavor).